
Monthly Archives: October 2012

Having taken in the latest video from Twerps numerous times now, the thing that strikes me most is the beautiful, wonderful, refreshing lack of bullshit. Just like their sound everything here is honest and easy-going. A friendly kelpie leads us upstairs to a room where the band begin playing, taking up residence on an old couch. There’s no stage, no token effects, no choreographed moves, no special guest appearances, no storyline, just the band in a corner doing their thing. It’s serves as a fuss-free introduction to the members of Twerps, a band who are hopefully still only at the dawn of a long career.

Between performance takes they’re captured chatting, playing with pets, enjoying the sunshine. They’re unaffected, there’s no acknowledgement of the camera. There’s no artificial feel-good factor to convince us we’re supposed to be having a good time. There’s nothing pretentious or smart-arsed going on. There’s no posturing or pandering or attention seeking or ‘in-jokes’. And it’s completely charming. Any kind of performance is restricted to the act of playing and it pays the audience the ultimate compliment by respecting why we’re here – the music. Too often videos become a distraction or try to be too clever but not everyone in this world requires a babysitter.

Director Pat Telfer (also a member of Bitch Prefect) has provided a vehicle for us to simply drink-in the song and when you craft them as pretty and sincere as Twerps do there’s no need for pitches, we’re already sold. There aren’t any ego’s or pedestals here. The band members aren’t “stars” or “idols” or celebrities nor do they want to be. These are reassuringly normal people. People you went to school with. People you see at the pub. People who catch your tram. They also happen to be really great at what they do. Twerps seem content being one of us and we love them all the more for it.